GADRA Meeting with Minister

GADRA have had a meeting with Minister Paschal Donohoe and Cllr Ray McAdams. We raised all of the issues that you have been contacting us about.

Among the topics discussed were:

Policing and Crime – we requested more Garda visibility and the reactivation of the text alert system. We also requested current crime figures and detection rates. 

On going issues with the Griffith Ave cycle track – safety and maintenance of the track, the narrowness of track, the ongoing cycling on the footpath causing difficulties for all pedestrians, long delays and tailbacks at traffic lights with subsequent negative impact on air quality, damage to grass verges and cars driving on footpath during tailbacks.

Problems for GADRA getting issues addressed by DCC due to the area being covered by 3 different administrative areas of Dublin City Council. These issues are –  disability bays for parking, pedestrian crossing on Griffith Ave near GP/The Rise.

We also raised the cost of the Ballymun, Griffith Ave junction where the NTA have spent over €900,000 on this junction alone.

BusConnects and Metro Projects – especially the intervention shaft in the park. Minister Donohoe again confirmed the ongoing role for  the Independent Experts for all residents during the construction phase of the project.