
The NTA are running both BusConnects Ballymun CBC Planning application and Metrolink Railway Order application at the same time

The NTA have decided to go ahead with the Bus Connects CBC planning application and the Metrolink Planning application at the same time .We are the only area that has a CBC and Mertolink running together. The amount of documentation associated with both these application is enormous and both will take a lot of time to read through. There is also a cost associated with making a submission to both of these applications with no waivers in place for pensioners or anyone on benefit . We have sent the email below to the NTA and TII as well as the TDs in Dublin Central and Ballymun.  The TII have stated that the timing of applications to An Bord Pleanala is a decision for NTA. We will update once we get a response. 

Email to TDs

We have been sent notice today from NTA of both the consultation on the Ballymun CBC and the Metrolink RO application and unbelievably, it appears that NTA plan to run these two processes at the same time.  Both of these projects will have a vast impact on our area and our residents, so we feel the parallel running of the processes is inappropriate and, frankly, unfair.  Surely out of consideration to residents these consultation could have been staggered – the amount of documentation that needs to be reviewed by residents in relation to a RO is enormous, and to add in a CBC consultation is just not something that working residents can do.  As we are the only CBC that is on top of a Metro, it would not seem unduly difficult to schedule our CBC consultation at a different time that did not clash with the Metro RO process, and run the consultation for a different section of CBC instead. 
Residents also have to pay €50 to make a submission which means that in November residents from Ballymun to the City Centre will have to find a spare €100 as the closing dates are within 10 days of each other.  Given the area and demographic, we believe this will make it impossible for some people especially those on a pension to participate. These consultations simply should not be within the same month. People should not be prevented from participating because of lack of finances. 
We find it hard to believe that the Metrolink team and BusConnects team are not aware of this overlap, given that we have been reassured on numerous occasions by Hugh Creegan NTA that the impacts of these projects on each other are being considered. You will remember that the NTA refused to hold open days in Ballymun on the CBC and it appears that this lack of respect continues for the residents along this route.
Please can you contact NTA/TII and ascertain how and why these two consultations are being run simultaneously.  We ask that you would request that the Metrolink deadline  is extended so residents can afford both financially and time-wise to engage, as is their right.
 We also would be grateful if you could request that a copy of the  documentation on both the CBC and Metrolink are available in hard copy in  Ballymun  Library for residents who do not have access to on line devices.
Kind regards